Wednesday, September 14, 2011

She's Five, Hold on!

Our five year old was so excited to have me all to herself tonight. It's rare with three older siblings and hectic nightly practice schedules. I thought she'd want to look at magazines, paint her nails, or dance to the latest teen singer's hit. I was wrong. She wanted to go for a walk.

Not only did she want to go for a walk in our neighborhood but she wanted to hold my hand the whole time. She's typically five going on 17 in her prefereneces so I was savoring the moment and felt compelled to share as these requests present themselves so rarely. She's in such a hurry-to-grow-up-and-be-big-like-her-brothers-and-sister mode.


We walked hand-in-hand talking about butterflies ("there's not enough in our neighborhood, where do we go to get more?"), dogs ("they just bark because they are looking for another dog to play with"), the chill in the air ("the leaves will change soon Momma") and I was soaking it all in.We stopped every few blocks to sit on the sidewalk, rest and chat. Neighbors drove by and waved. I silently hoped they could be in my shoes soon...walking with their kiddos hand-in-hand.

When we got back home. She took a long bubble bath and we played with all her "little girl" bath toys. She wanted to go to bed early before the "big kids" got home. Before I tucked her in she wanted me to read her a story. This is big time old school because she typically needs to read to me or my husband.

She picked out her princess storybook and I read her two stories while we snuggled in her twin bed ("Momma, I love how we both fit in my bed, we are little girls.") My answer was matter-of-fact "I love being a little girl." ("Me too, Momma. Me too.") Extra snuggle. What a memory for me!

She turns six next week.

Posted via email from zenaweist's posterous

1 comment:

chimoose said...

I love reading this, Zena! My little one is seven, but holding hands and bedtime stories are still de rigeur. Of course, we're reading The Hobbit instead of Princess Storied, but the feeling is the same.
I've also persuaded my wife not to clean out the little-kid toys she wants to keep ... We'll have the opportunity all too soon. Hope that I get to meet your family someday!